Ananda Sambada

Gaudiya Siddhantacarya

Please note, this page is very much a work in progress 

As we are all aware Srila Gour Govinda Swami was most expert at presenting our perfect Gaudiya Vaisnava siddhanta in such a way that would inspire any simple-hearted devotee to immediately accept it. He often says how he is only the pipe and Krishna the reservoir; Krishna is the source, "these are not my words" Maharaja explains. 

The Origin of the Jiva                                       

(We have presented here for your pleasure and information Maharaja’s letter in response to an Iskcon sannyasi's questions about the origin of the jiva. In his letter the sannyasi has presented the GBC's conclusion, and then asked what is our Maharaja's own understanding. (Only the part of Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja’s letter relating to the ‘origin of the jiva’ issue has been presented here.)

The resolution that you have quoted has been passed by our GBC, and as such it is meant for all of the members of our society to follow. You ask what is my own, personal conclusion on this matter, so for your own information, I reply as follows.

Srila Prabhupada has on many occasions made different statements about this subject matter. He has also himself drawn the conclusion. When the conclusion is given, it is to be understood that whatever might have been said before, if it may appear to be different from that conclusion, for what ever reason, is now cancelled. The conclusion is what stands.          ;

For example, Srila Prabhupada gives the following conclusions regarding the origin of the jiva.

‘The conclusion is that no one falls from the spiritual world, or Vaikuntha, for it is the eternal abode.’ (SB 3.16.26 purport)

‘The conclusion is that the origin of all life is the bodily effulgence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.’ (SB 4.30.5 purport)

What is Srila Prabhupada's conclusion, that is what I accept. I accept Srila Prabhupada's own conclusion, that is all.

Hearing From a Tape 

(Darshan Held at Heathrow Airport near London, on 15th August 1995)

Disciple - Guru Maharaja, in Bhubaneswar you said that hearing from the tape, it is not the same sound coming out.

Maharaja - You see, Srila Prabhupada came to the western world, he went to America. He went to  Tompkins Square Park. He chanted Hare Krsna with karatalas. So many hippies were rolling there intoxicated with very strong drugs, half naked boys and girls. As soon as they heard this transcendental sound, they immediately woke up. Alright, now you should go there to Tompkins Square Park with a tape recorder playing Prabhupada’s voice. We’ll see if they will wake up and come. Then I will understand, ’Yes, it is giving sabdha. This is the test. Alright, do it now... alright, logician?

       A snake, cobra, when a snake charmer sings (imitates musical instrument) the cobra comes out from the hole and plays, hears, krisa guna (Maharaja makes his arm sway like a dancing cobra). When he stops, then powww. This is attraction, how Krishna is so attractive. You are like serpents, cobras. If real transcendental sound vibration comes, then you’ll be attracted, yes. Now you play it (tape recorder)… will cobra come up? Alright? You are such great logicians, such questions (Maharaja chuckles).

  [Editor; This is a point of siddhanta often misunderstood by devotees. Devotees should understand that Srila Prabhupada himself clearly explains this, 

“Just like I am speaking and it is being recorded in the tape recorder. When the tape recorder is replayed again, you'll find that I am speaking again. But that speaking and my present speaking is different. Therefore that speaking is separated energy. Now I am speaking directly. That is not separated, but when it is transferred to another matter that is separated energy.”      Bombay 30th March 1971

…Then what is required? Namanta eva. Just become submissive. Don’t think yourself as very great philosopher, theologist, scientist. Just be humble. “My dear sir, just be humble.” Namanta eva. “Then what will be my business? All right, I shall become humble. Then how I shall make progress?” Now, “Just hear the message of God.” “From whom?” San-mukharitam: “through the mouth of the devotees.” Not professional, not gramophone-through the mouth of, through the lips of real devotee. Yadi... If somebody follows this process without mental speculation and if he has got intelligence, by hearing from the realized soul, he will realize everything."       Chicago 1975 lecture on SB 6.1.24