Ananda Sambada

Krishna Sent Him

Srila Gour Govinda Swami made his appearance into an ancient Oriya Vaishnava family famed for their devotional kirtans. He grew up surrounded by devotees, worshipping Sri Sri Radha Gopaljiu, chanting the holy names and reading Srimad Bhagavatam. Later in life, after becoming a wandering sadhu, he met Iskcon’s Founder-Acarya His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada and instantly surrendered at his lotus feet, recognizing him to be the topmost of Lord Krishna’s dear devotees. Srila Prabhupada offered to award Maharaja the order of Sannyasa at their first meeting and, himself, later commented about his disciple Srila Gour Govinda Swami, stating that ‘Krsna has sent him’. 

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First Meeting With Srila Prabhupada

Whilst wandering through Vraja dhama, Sri Gour Gopalananda (Srila Gour Govinda Swami) eventually headed to the Iskcon property at Raman Reti, where the Sri Sri Krishna Balarama Temple was still very much under construction. There he was given a copy of Back to Godhead magazine in which he found the teachings what he was looking for – he discovered in that magazine the very person he was looking for, the person who could perfectly reveal Bhagavatam, Krishna and Mahaprabhu – and he was also quite struck with amazement to see that this was and International society, that Westerners had taken to the path of bhakti, that they had shaven heads with sikha, wearing tilak and dhoti. He decided that he must meet the sadhu who was responsible for this most wonderful feat.

He discovered that the founder of this International Society for Krishna Consciousness was staying on the property at that time, so he approached one of these amazing Western Vaishnavas and asked if he could pay his respects to Srila Prabhupada. After some discussion, Brahmananda Swami took him in to speak with Iskcon’s Founder-Acarya Sri Srimad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and instantly Gour Gopalananda fell down flat offering his full dandavats. As he arose, Srila Prabhupada asked him about himself, “Have you taken sannyasa?” Upon hearing Gour Gopalananda’s negative response, Srila Prabhupada told him, “Then I will give you sannyasa!”

At that very moment Srila Gour Govinda Swami accepted Srila Prabhupada as his eternal spiritual master… Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja later related how he felt, “I immediately knew, “Oh, this is paramatma; what I am looking for now, it is here. Yes, I have gotten now. I have gotten now.” You see this is Krishna’s arrangement. How we can find our Guru? What is your inside, he’ll speak, you see. Only two or three questions he asked. I immediately surrendered!”

From that moment their relationship of sat-sisya, the totally surrendered disciple, and sat-guru, bona fide maha-bhagavata spiritual master, was re-established.

nama om visnupadaya krsna-presthaya bhutale
srimate gour-govinda svamin iti namine
namaste abhayapriya gourbhava prakasine
nityananda-krpa-sindho gopal sarvadasine

Hey! Krsna-prestha, holder of the names Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Srila Gurudeva, please accept my prostrated dandavat pranam at the holy dust of your lotus feet. Hey! Abhay-Priya (dearmost disciple of Srila A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupadaji Maharaja), the revealer of the inner mood of Sriman Gouranga Mahaprabhu, the ocean of Sri Nityananda Prabhu's mercy, and the omni-seer of Sri Gopal, please accept my repeated dandavat-pranam at your most gracious lotus feet.

Ananda Sambada Newsletter

Ananda Sambada, est. April 1991, is a newsletter dedicated to the service of Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami, his disciples and his followers. Over the last thirty years, in our publication, we have published Srila Gurudeva's lectures and darshans, instructions from letters, recounting his amazing pastimes, and devotees' remembrances of him. We also always present news about the various temple projects in Orissa founded by Guru Maharaja, as well as information about his disciples, and even, on occasion, we have printed recipes that his cook Sadhu prabhu would prepare for him. 

You can find several back issues of our Ananda Sambada newsletter on the website, and we will evetually be posting more as time goes on. Please visit us regularly, and sign up below for regular updates, and if you want to receive the newsletter whenever a new issue makes an appearance. Read More

Ananda Sambada Issue 36

Gaudiya Siddhantacarya

As we are all aware Srila Gour Govinda Swami was most expert at presenting our perfect Gaudiya Vaisnava siddhanta in such a way that would inspire any simple-hearted devotee to immediately accept it. He often says how he is only the pipe and Krishna the reservoir; Krishna is the source, "these are not my words" Maharaja explains. 

The Origin of the Jiva

Hearing from a Tape

Latest News, Updates and Appeals

Please check this page, regularly, to see the latest news updates and appeals.

The Latest from Tattva Vichar Publications

Appeal for Help with Bhubaneswar Temple renovation work

Appeal for Funding for Guru Maharaja's Biography (Tattva Vichar Publications)       

Appeal for Help Finding Oriya Language Biographies of Mahaprabhu, for Jagannath Misra prabhu   

Some Disciples - biographies

Srila Gurudeva with his dear disciple Sripad Caitanya candra Maharaja

Please visit our 'Some Disciples' page to read more about individual disciples of our most worshippable and beloved Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja. 

Here we are presenting the biographies of many disciples of our Gurudeva... those most respected Swamis, Matajis, and Prabhus. Some biographies are quite extensive, others short, for now, We will regularly be updating these pages and biographies, adding more names, more information and more photographs as we recieve them.

Sripad Caitanya Candra Maharaja

Srimati Vrajavasini devi dasi

Departed Godbrothers and Godsisters

We have a page dedicated to the disciples of Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami, who have passed away. These great devotees have pretty interesting life stories, and if you would like to read soemthing about them, and perhaps remember them, please click on the link below.

A new book by our Guru Maharaja's disciple 

Srimati Anuradha devi dasi

Gour Govinda Swami Carita

by Sri Kalakantha prabhuji

English translation by Sri Jagannath Misra prabhu

(edited a little by Govinda Embleton & Jd.)

So far, on our site, we have two chapters from the Bengali/Oriya language verse biography of Srila Gurudeva. Click the button below to have a read through.

Guru Maharaja Books

Many books of Guru Maharaja's lectures have been published by both Tattva Vichar Publications and Gopaljiu Publications, along with a host of magazines, booklets and so on, plus GJP's related Bindhu e-mag. There are also a couple of Guru Maharaja biographies available in print form - 'When Good Fortune Arises' is a life and teachings book by Gopaljiu Publications, and the multi-volume biography by Tattva Vichar Publications is currently available as the volume one, parts one and two, 'Krishna lingita-vigraha, Always Embraced by Krishna', and volume three will be available shortly. Many further volumes will be published over the next few years.

Oriya Language Biographies of 

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Whilst the leading biographies of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu written in the Bengali language have been translated and are widely available in western languages, the Oriya language biographies, often written by eye-witnesses to the events, are not. 

For the first time, these books are being translated into English, by our gurubhai, Jagannath Misra prabhu. He has already translated Maha-Bhava Prakash (click to read more) by Kanhaiya Kunthiya, including the introduction by the late Dr Fakir Mohan Das, which was often quoted by our beloved Guru Maharaja; and he has also completed the Vaisnava Lilamrta (click to read more) which was written by a direct disciple of Gadadhar Pandit, a personal assistant of Ramananda Raya, called Madhava Pattanayak, in 1535. He is presently translating the Gauranga Bhagavat, which was also   written at the time of Mahaprabhu, by Bhagavan Das and also the Caitanya cakada by Govinda das Babaji. 

Do You Need Somewhere to Stay in Puri? ... Gour Govinda Ashram

Our godbrother Sri Purandar Acarya prabhu has an Ashram in Sri Jagannath Puri Dham. He has seven rooms available for guests (and charges a small rental for those rooms.) If you would like to find out more, please contact him at and on WhatsApp 0091 9439780128, and have a look on Google maps 

Please also visit the other pages on our website.